So happy to find you here (and so recently landed) after my friend sent me your beautiful poem about worms this afternoon. I hope you enjoy being here as much as I do. Look forward to reading your words : ) (I love the sound of fleeting temples. I live in a Buddhist temple, and love the idea of it just being an impermanent thing that materialises and then is gone, which of course it, and everything, is)

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From worms to temples! 🪱 😊💚 Welcome aboard. I live that you LIVE in a temple. Fleeting though it may be….

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Danusha, so glad to see you’ve started a Substack! I was in the first POR workshop and am happy to find you here. I recently started a Stack too at https://careymiller.substack.com. Looking forward to reading your beautiful writing.

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Thanks for being here! And so happy you were with us in P of R. : )

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