Jan 4Liked by Danusha Laméris

Shared to FB. Being extravagant with ourselves, so very important. Thank you , Danusha, for this jewel. You show how taking the first step opens up next steps. Every step takes courage and builds resilience. We never know what will come. At 65, instead of retiring, whatever that means, I went to Lesotho, southern Africa to volunteer, doing sexual violence and empowerment work with girls, the most thrilling experience of my life. I went back 5 more years and helped grandmothers deal with grief from AIDS deaths. If I hadn't leaped each time I needed to change my life to align more with who I am, I would not have been able to do that work that feeds me to this day. Now at 81, I ask young baristas what their passion is. They are often startled at the question and say I don't know, but then do have answers that they may not have spoken out loud, which in itself is a step. As for me, emerging from deep grief at my wife's passing 5 years ago, I am in that liminal state on my way to my next transformation. I am not done yet with living and giving. I am still taking risks, not giving in to fear, so easy to do when old. Your story inspires me, thank you, dear Danusha.

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Naida—-a deep bow to you. 🌺🌺🌺🌺

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And I bow to you, Danusha.

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Jan 4Liked by Danusha Laméris

What a spunky piece of hope! Because it is always true, at twenty-something or at 74, one can always decide to take some step - and give more of oneself away...whether it's deciding to feed two starving kittens who are now pleasantly rotund, peeping out of the bushes when they sense I'm coming and no longer run away. Who even shout at me if I'm a bit late. Or whether it's challenging myself to go on submitting poems no matter how many refusals come back...just to do it...thank you Danusha...as always.

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I wish I had received this advice in my 20's, but nothing says I can't grasp hold of it at 74. Thank you!

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So true! The adventure continues....

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Jan 5Liked by Danusha Laméris

Thank you for this wonderful piece of advice from the ex and for the gorgeous story and photo. You amaze me.

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Thanks Clayton!!! 😌🌺

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Jan 4Liked by Danusha Laméris

Ahhh. Just what I needed today! Thank you.

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Jan 4Liked by Danusha Laméris

I could say your thoughts are wonderful and they are. I could say you inspire me and you do. Also, this is delicious! Thank you.

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Always grand, Danusha🙏🏻❤️

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yes! thank you!

hugs and blessings

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Wish we lived closer!!!

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